Coffee is the Principal Honduras Passport to the World

Coffee is the main passport available in Honduras projected to the world, it is the most positive feature and the most recognizable for this Central American Country, says the head of the Ministry of General Coordination of Government, Jorge Ramon Hernandez Alcerro, in the act of the National Day of Coffee Production.

This celebration was held in Danlí, and was attended by leading figures of various sectors that make up Coffee Activity of the Country said Secretary of State, as the representative of the President of the Republic, Juan Orlando Hernandez.

During his speech, Hernandez Alcerro, stand out that it is important to celebrate the National Day of Coffee, because it is the appropriate time to recognize the merits of Hondurans who are engaged in coffee production.

He added that one of those merits is the way they have managed to face the great challenges of the Coffee Activity, because it is the appropriate time to recognize the merits of Hondurans who are engaged in coffee production.

La Tribuna Page 81 Oct-10-2016